Forums / Roleplaying / The Holy Evil.

The Holy Evil.
01:11:30 Aug 15th 08 - Mr. Bloodlust:

Hey guys im making a kd next era which ill probs disband moment im OOP unless i decide to try to get peeps to join but i made a kl little story to put on da kd info page:

               The Endless cycle of the Gods of Old and New.

                              Storm clouds gather and flowers wither,

as thunder clatters and windows shatter.

Tsunamis and tornadoes rain destruction,

As Quakes and volcanoes demolish intervention.

Nothing stands, nothing lives, and NOTHING opposes.

The DarkLord of new sits down upon his thrown, a smirk rises upon his face as he feels the sense of accomplishment. Goals completed and terror reigns, the Old One grew tired of his lifeless land..

There were no longer people, no more pain..Suffering..Deciept? There was nothing...

01:11:42 Aug 15th 08 - Mr. Bloodlust:

And so a new world was born.

The New One created new life, new lands, and new oceans.

Watching from above with a caring hand he begins to crave the ways of old.

Denying the temptation He smiles to the joy shared by those below. The happiness..The love...The cherishing..

But.. He started to realize. There was none for him...The Angelic God of Old ultimately recieved...Nothing.

He created them, without him there would be NO life.

They had betrayed him..laughed at him..

He grew bitter as time went on and grew more and more sickened as he watched the disrepect those below shared for him.

He remembered the reason behind his previous actions, it all begins to add up..

And so finally all is destroyed all-over again.

Dead Bodies as far as the eye can see, and entire lakes of blood scattered the globe, and again chaos ruled supreme..

And so the return of the barren blood-smeered wastelands.

Again in his throne, looking out at his lands he once again grew bored..

And so the cycle continued.

Verse IV Creationism, Chapter 8 of the The Holy Evil.

"Good is merely the absence of evil."

01:18:13 Aug 15th 08 - Mr. Grimm Reaper:

count me in.... i think... maybe...  probably not... a

05:13:32 Aug 25th 08 - Lord Nephilim The Redeemer:


05:19:07 Aug 25th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:


PS-Have a nice day

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